
Basketball Hubversion Nice

The Graveyard - A number of things that we tried, that either did not work, or did not contribute. Current Best!Accuracy 67%, Cohen's Kappa .32 Import Full DatasetIntended to combineseconds and minutes:made the model worseThis is actually good dataOutlier removal didn't makesense and limited modelRandom ForestGradient Boosted Tree (No bins)Fuzzy RulesXGBoost TreeVotedPerceptronBaggingRepTreeBinned Scorer DemoRidorRemove all mystery nodes- those that have no shot_made_flagCreate home or away columnSeparate unknown chunkfor later analysisColumn FilteringUnbinned ScorerGradient Boosted Tree (Binned)PNNDL4JNode 220SVMNon-binned dataWith Outlier Removal(not used now)Further Binning ExperimentsA few outliers separatedBoxplots looking for outliers by columnNode 244Node 246Node 248Node 250Node 252Node 254Node 256Node 258Node 260Node 262Node 264Node 266 CSV Reader Math Formula Category To Number Numeric Outliers Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Missing Value Metanode Row Filter Metanode Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Binning Experiment Scorer Prep and Partition Prep and Partition Prep and Partition DataWonderland V2 Numeric Outliers Outliersexploration Random Forest(Outlier Removal) PNN SVM XGBoost VotedPerceptron Bagging Ridor REPTree DL4J GradientBoosted Tree Fuzzy Rule Gradient BoostedTree (Binned) VisualizationsV3 VisualizationWonderland The Graveyard - A number of things that we tried, that either did not work, or did not contribute. Current Best!Accuracy 67%, Cohen's Kappa .32 Import Full DatasetIntended to combineseconds and minutes:made the model worseThis is actually good dataOutlier removal didn't makesense and limited modelRandom ForestGradient Boosted Tree (No bins)Fuzzy RulesXGBoost TreeVotedPerceptronBaggingRepTreeBinned Scorer DemoRidorRemove all mystery nodes- those that have no shot_made_flagCreate home or away columnSeparate unknown chunkfor later analysisColumn FilteringUnbinned ScorerGradient Boosted Tree (Binned)PNNDL4JNode 220SVMNon-binned dataWith Outlier Removal(not used now)Further Binning ExperimentsA few outliers separatedBoxplots looking for outliers by columnNode 244Node 246Node 248Node 250Node 252Node 254Node 256Node 258Node 260Node 262Node 264Node 266CSV Reader Math Formula Category To Number Numeric Outliers Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Missing Value Metanode Row Filter Metanode Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer Binning Experiment Scorer Prep and Partition Prep and Partition Prep and Partition DataWonderland V2 Numeric Outliers Outliersexploration Random Forest(Outlier Removal) PNN SVM XGBoost VotedPerceptron Bagging Ridor REPTree DL4J GradientBoosted Tree Fuzzy Rule Gradient BoostedTree (Binned) VisualizationsV3 VisualizationWonderland


