

Workflow to display Descriptive StatisticsThis workflow summarises the data and provides descriptive statistics using Univariate and Bivariate analysis. The output shows different statistical observations along with graphicalvisualisations. Descriptive Statistics Correlation Visualizations Import Datairis.csv contains: three irisspecies and properties about eachflower. , ~150k rows Linear and Rank Correlation Calculates Descriptive Statisticsand provides an interactive viewCalculate Descriptive StatisticsComputes the Mode ,Range and CovarienceLinear Correlation between Sepal Length and Petal LengthRank Correlation between Sepal Length and Petal LengthPairwise Correlation VisualizationAssign Colours to Different Species Data Explorer Statistics CSV Reader GroupBy Linear Correlation Rank Correlation Scatter Plot Color Manager Workflow to display Descriptive StatisticsThis workflow summarises the data and provides descriptive statistics using Univariate and Bivariate analysis. The output shows different statistical observations along with graphicalvisualisations. Descriptive Statistics Correlation Visualizations Import Datairis.csv contains: three irisspecies and properties about eachflower. , ~150k rows Linear and Rank Correlation Calculates Descriptive Statisticsand provides an interactive viewCalculate Descriptive StatisticsComputes the Mode ,Range and CovarienceLinear Correlation between Sepal Length and Petal LengthRank Correlation between Sepal Length and Petal LengthPairwise Correlation VisualizationAssign Colours to Different Species Data Explorer Statistics CSV Reader GroupBy Linear Correlation Rank Correlation Scatter Plot Color Manager


