
00. Install Extensions

Install Extensions

There are three different ways to install KNIME extensions.

Option 1: In the Menu Bar click on "File" -> "Install KNIME Extensions..." and select the required extension

Option 2: Open a Internet Browser go to hub.knime.com, search for the required extension and drag and drop it into the workbench

Option 3: Open a workflow containing nodes from an extension. KNIME will automatically find the required extension and ask you to install it.

Installing ExtensionsOption 1: In the Menu Bar click on "File" ->"Install KNIME Extensions..." and select the required extensionOption 2: Open a Internet Browser go to hub.knime.com, search for the required extension and drag and drop it into the KNIME Analytics Platform workbenchOption 3: Open a workflow containing nodes from an extension. KNIME will automatically find the required extension and ask you to install it.Activity I:1. Install the following Extensions: - KNIME Base Chemistry Types & Nodes - KNIME JavaScript Views (Labs) - RDKit KNIME integration Node from the extension: KNIME JavaScript Views (Labs)Node from the extension:RDKit KNIME integrationNode from the extension:KNIME Base Chemistry Types & Nodes MISSING DataExplorer RDKit DescriptorCalculation SDF Reader Installing ExtensionsOption 1: In the Menu Bar click on "File" ->"Install KNIME Extensions..." and select the required extensionOption 2: Open a Internet Browser go to hub.knime.com, search for the required extension and drag and drop it into the KNIME Analytics Platform workbenchOption 3: Open a workflow containing nodes from an extension. KNIME will automatically find the required extension and ask you to install it.Activity I:1. Install the following Extensions: - KNIME Base Chemistry Types & Nodes - KNIME JavaScript Views (Labs) - RDKit KNIME integration Node from the extension: KNIME JavaScript Views (Labs)Node from the extension:RDKit KNIME integrationNode from the extension:KNIME Base Chemistry Types & Nodes MISSING DataExplorer RDKit DescriptorCalculation SDF Reader


