
Demo Exercises Part 2

05 Date and Time and Databases - Exercise

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L1-DW KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers: Basics course

Exercise 3: Group by, Pivot, Join, and Concatenate1. Calculate the number of airports by countries2. Pivot the airlines table on active column3. Join the airports and airlines tables into one table4. Concatenate airlines and routes Exercise 4: Visualization1. Use the data explorer node on the airports table2. Color change the altitude, then create a scatter plot to view the relationship between altitudeand country3. Create an interactive view on the airports table Exercise 5 is unable to be done as none of theDemo tables include dates or times. There arealso no databases. airports.csvairports.csvCount airports by countriesJoined airports and airlinesairlines.csvPivot by active aggregate countairlines.csvairlines.csvroutes.csvNode 43airports.csvNode 45Node 46Node 48CSV Reader CSV Reader GroupBy Joiner CSV Reader Pivoting CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Concatenate CSV Reader Data Explorer Color Manager InteractiveComposite View Scatter Plot Exercise 3: Group by, Pivot, Join, and Concatenate1. Calculate the number of airports by countries2. Pivot the airlines table on active column3. Join the airports and airlines tables into one table4. Concatenate airlines and routes Exercise 4: Visualization1. Use the data explorer node on the airports table2. Color change the altitude, then create a scatter plot to view the relationship between altitudeand country3. Create an interactive view on the airports table Exercise 5 is unable to be done as none of theDemo tables include dates or times. There arealso no databases. airports.csvairports.csvCount airports by countriesJoined airports and airlinesairlines.csvPivot by active aggregate countairlines.csvairlines.csvroutes.csvNode 43airports.csvNode 45Node 46Node 48CSV Reader CSV Reader GroupBy Joiner CSV Reader Pivoting CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Concatenate CSV Reader Data Explorer Color Manager InteractiveComposite View Scatter Plot


