
Weather DB Update

Weather Update

Takes in City + Country. Updates DB. Outputs Weather info.

1. Data Access 2. Data Preparation Update DB 3a. Output to DB 3b. REST Response My SQL on AWSEnter your DB credentialsLoad RecordsOpenWeather APIParse JSONFilterInputJSONParse JSONBuild URLEnter your keyNode 1224Node 1225Node 1226 MySQL Connector DB Loader GET Request JSON Path Column Filter ContainerInput (JSON) JSON Path String Manipulation ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON JSON SchemaValidator 1. Data Access 2. Data Preparation Update DB 3a. Output to DB 3b. REST Response My SQL on AWSEnter your DB credentialsLoad RecordsOpenWeather APIParse JSONFilterInputJSONParse JSONBuild URLEnter your keyNode 1224Node 1225Node 1226 MySQL Connector DB Loader GET Request JSON Path Column Filter ContainerInput (JSON) JSON Path String Manipulation ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON JSON SchemaValidator


