Interactive Data Cleaning

This KNIME component allows you to apply various data cleaning steps interactively. Default configuration will implement cleaning of missing values and outliers.

Availble pre-processing steps:
- Automatic type guessing: determine the most specific type in each string column and change the column types accordingly.
- Treatment of missing values: separate configurations for missing values in string and number columns.
- Outlier removal: configuration on how to treat outliers.

All preprocessing steps have a "Do nothing" option, that will allow to skip the corresponding step.

In addition, you can select and (optionally) rename a subset of columns to be used in the following. If no columns are selected, whole data table will be used.

There is also a summary of the input data presented at the bottom of the page to drive decisions about pre-processing steps.

Use WebPortal/JS View to configure this components

Input Ports

Input data table

Output Ports

Processed data table


