Row to Column Names

Uses the values of a specified row of the input table as new column names. The node has two outports: The first port contains a new table with a column header corresponding to the specified row of the input table. If type guessing is activated, the cells of each column are converted to the most specific type that all values of the column can be converted into.


Number of rows before the header
Number of rows in the input table that precede the row that should be used as new column header
Discard rows before header row
Whether rows before the row containing the new column header should be discarded. Otherwise they are treated as additional output rows.
Detect types of resulting columns
Whether type analysis should be applied to the output table. For each column, the most specific of the four column types double (64-bit floating-point number), long (64-bit integral number), int (32-bit integral number) and String is determined and the column is converted to this type.

Input Ports

Original input data

Output Ports

Table with single row or column containing original column names
Table with two columns, containing the old and new column names respectively

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