

This category contains 10 nodes.

Cell Extractor 

Extract a single cell from a table.

Cell Updater 

Update a single cell of a table with the value of the specified flow variable.

Extract Table Dimension 

Extracts the number of rows and columns of the input table and outputs them as data table and flow variables.

Extract Table Spec 

Node extracting the meta information from the input table (column names, types, etc.).

Row to Column Names Streamable

Uses the values of a specified row of the input table as new column names.

Table Cropper 

Crops part of the input table.

Table Difference Finder 

Compares two tables with respect to their values as well as their column specs.

Table Splitter 

Splits the input table at the row that matches a given condition.

Table Transposer 

Transposes a table by swapping rows and columns.

Table Updater 

Updates parts of a table.