Download / Upload from List (legacy)

This node copies files contained in the input table from one location to another. The location may be a remote location.

This legacy filehandling node has been replaced by Transfer Files / Transfer Files (Table) and will be deprecated in the foreseeable future. For further information about the new file handling framework see the File Handling Guide.


Column of the input table with the URIs to the files that should be copied.
Column of the input table with the URIs to where the files should be copied.
If exists...
How to handle already existing files.
Overwrite the existing file.
Overwrite if newer
Overwrite the existing file only, if the file to copy is newer.
Abort the execution of the node.
Abort if transfer fails
If this is checked the node will abort if one of the files could not be transferred. If it is unchecked the output table will contain a column that indicates if the file could be successfully transferred or not.

Input Ports

Port object containing the connection information to the server. (Optional)
Table containing the list of files that should be copied and where they should be copied to.

Output Ports

Table containing the list of files that have been transferred and if they have been transferred or were already up to date. If files are allowed to fail there is an additional column, that will indicate if the transfer was successful or did fail.

Popular Predecessors


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