Combine Columns by Header

IMPORTANT: This node will ignore the user-defined new column name and will use an auto-generated one. Combines the content of a set of columns and appends the concatenated string as separate column to the input table. The user needs to specify in the dialog the columns of interest and some other properties, such as delimiter to separate the different cell contents and quoting options. This node works well together with the “Combine Columns by Header” node.

Plate Row Column
Plate01 A 1
Plate02 A 2
Combined by “::”

This Combine node automatically gives new column names (“Name of appended column” field will be ignored)


Enter a delimiter string here. This string is used to separate the different cell contents in the new, appended column.
Quote Character
The character entered here will be used to quote the cell content in case that it contains the delimiter string (for instance if the cell content is some;value, the delimiter string is ';' (a single semicolon), and the quote character is '"' (single quote char) the quoted string will be "some;value" (including quotes)). You can force quotation by checking "Quote Always". Alternatively, the user can also replace the delimiter string in the cell content string (see below).
Replace Delimiter by
If the string representation of the cell content contains the delimiter string, it will be replaced by the string entered here (if you entered '-' here, the output of the above example would be some-value).
Name of appended column
Auto-generated new column name (editing this field will be ignored).
Column Selection
Move the columns of interest into the "Include" list.

Input Ports

Arbitrary input data.

Output Ports

Input data + additional column containing string combination

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