Lift Chart (JavaScript)

Creates a lift chart. Additionally, a chart for the cumulative percent of responses captured is shown. A lift chart is used to evaluate a predictive model. The higher the lift (the difference between the "lift" line and the base line), the better performs the predictive model. The lift is the ratio between the results obtained with and without the predictive model. It is calculated as number of positive hits (e .g. responses) divided by the average number of positives without model. The data table must have a column containing probabilities and a nominal column, containing the actual labels. At first, the data is sorted by probability, divided into deciles, then the actual labels are counted and the average rate is calculated.

The node supports custom CSS styling. You can simply put CSS rules into a single string and set it as a flow variable 'customCSS' in the node configuration dialog. You will find the list of available classes and their description on our documentation page.


Data Options

Response Column
Nominal column containing the actual labels, e. g. if a person responded
Probability Column
Numeric column containing the predicted score in probabilities of the model
Positive label (hits)
The label for a positive value (hit).
Interval width in %
The width in which the data is separated before counting.
Ignore missing values
If checked, the missing values in Probability columns will be ignored without a warning message. Otherwise, they will be sorted to the end of the curves with a corresponding warning message.
Missing values in Response column are ignored in any case.

General Plot Options

Create image at outport
If an image is supposed to be rendered during execute for the upper outport. Disable this option if image is not needed or creation is too time consuming.
Lift chart title (*)
The title of the lift graph shown above the generated image. If left blank, no title will be shown.
Lift chart subtitle (*)
The subtitle of the lift graph shown above the generated image. If left blank, no subtitle will be shown.
Gain chart title (*)
The title of the gain graph shown above the generated image. If left blank, no title will be shown.
Gain chart subtitle (*)
The subtitle of the gain graph shown above the generated image. If left blank, no subtitle will be shown.
Width of image (in px)
The width of the generated SVG image.
Height of image (in px)
The height of the generated SVG image.
Line width (in px)
The width of the shown lines.
The smoothing algorithm for the shown lines.
Resize view to fill window
Setting this option resizes the view to the available area of the window. If disabled the view size is static according to the set width and height.
Background color
The color of the background of the image.
Data area color
The background color of the data area, within the axes.
Show grid
If an additional grid is being rendered at the axes tick positions.
Grid color
The color of the grid.
Show warnings in view
If checked, warning messages will be displayed in the view when they occur.

Axis Configuration

Label for x-axis (*)
The label for the x-axis. If left blank, the selected column name is displayed.
Label for y-axis (*)
The label for the y-axis. If left blank, the selected column name is displayed.
Show color legend
Switches the legend on/off. The legend shows the mapping between colors used in the view and the respective column names.

View Controls

Enable view edit controls
If checked all edit controls selected below will be rendered in the view. Unchecking this option disables all edit controls.
Enable title edit controls
Renders a text box to change the chart title in the view.
Enable subtitle edit controls
Renders a text box to change the chart subtitle in the view.
Enable label edit for x-axis
Renders a text box to change x-axis label in the view.
Enable label edit for y-axis
Renders a text box to change y-axis label in the view.
Enable toggle between views
Renders a control to switch between Lift Chart and Cumulative Gain Chart modes.
Enable selection of smoothing
Renders a selector of smoothing algorithm.

Input Ports

Data table with data to display.

Output Ports

SVG image rendered by the JavaScript implementation of the lift chart.
Data table containing the input data appended with a column, that represents the selection made in the lift chart view.

Popular Successors


Interactive View: Lift Chart
Displays a lift chart visualization.




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