Sunburst Chart (JavaScript)

This chart displayes hierarchical data in a radial layout: The circle in the chart center represents the hierarchy's root node. Sections further outside represent nodes that are located deeper in the hierarchy.
Each leaf node has a attached value attribute. For sections corresponding to leaf nodes, the area is derived from the leaf node's value attribute. For sections not corresponding to leaf nodes, the area is derived from the accumulated value of all descending leaf nodes.

This node expects a data structure that satisfies certain requirements:

  • Each row represents the path from the root node to a leaf node.
  • The user selects multiple path columns. Each path column gives the labels for a respective hierarchy level.
  • The number of path columns corresponds to the maximal depth of the hierarchy.
  • Paths shorter then the maximal depth need to be filled up with missing values.
  • The user selected value column gives the leaf node's attached value attribute.

The following table gives an example for such a data structure:


CSS Styling

The node supports custom CSS styling. You can simply put CSS rules into a single string and set it as a flow variable 'customCSS' in the node configuration dialog. You will find the list of available classes and their description on our documentation page at


Path columns
Select the columns which indicate the leaf nodes' paths.
Frequency column (*)
Select the column with the value information for the leaf nodes.
Filter out small nodes
When checked, very small nodes are not displayed.
Threshold for filtering (radian)

General Plot Options

Title (*)
The chart title.
Subitle (*)
The chart subtitle.
Display legend
When checked, the chart's legend is displayed.
Display breadcrumb
When checked, a breadcrumb is displayed (on mouseover, etc.). The breadcrumb depicts a (sub-)path in the hierarchy.
Display tooltip
When checked, a tooltip is shown when hovering over a cell.
Enable donut hole
When checked, a donut hole is displayed.
Enable zoom
When checked, zooming into the chart partitions is enabled.
Enable Selection
When checked, user selections are enabled.
Show selection only
When checked, only selected objects are displayed.
Enable Focus
When checked, focus on sections is enabled.
Enable inner label
When checked, an inner label is displayed (on mouseover, etc.).
Inner label style
Choose what accumulation type is used for the inner label.
Inner label text (*)
The inner label's text.
Publish Selection
Check to enable publishing of selection events.
Subscribe to selection events
Check to enable subscription of selection events.
Subscribe to filter events
Check to enable subscription of filter events.
Settings for image generation.

Control Options

Enable view controls
Check to enable controls in the chart.
Enable title editing
Check to enable the editing of the title within the view.
Enable subtitle editing
Check to enable the editing of the subtitle within the view.
Enable filter tiny nodes toggle
Check to enable toggling of filtering for small nodes within the view.
Enable legend toggle
Check to enable toggling of the legend within the view.
Enable breadcrumb toggle
Check to enable toggling of the breadcrumb within the view.
Enable tooltip toggle
Check to enable toggling of the tooltip within the view.
Enable donut hole toggle
Check to enable toggling of the donut hole within the view.
Enable inner label toggle
Check to enable toggling of the inner label within the view.
Enable inner label style selection
Check to enable selection of inner label style within the view.
Enable inner label editing
Check to enable editing of the inner label within the view.
Enable selection only toggle
Check to enable toggling of selection-only within view.
Enable publish selection toggle
Check to enable toggling of selection publishing within view.
Enable subscribe to selection toggle
Check to enable toggling of selection subscription within view.
Enable subscribe to filter toggle
Check to enable toggling of filter subscription within view.

Input Ports

Data table containing one row for each leaf node in the hierarchy. Path columns each give the labels for a respective hierarchy level. The value column gives the leaf node's attached value attribute.
Color model indicating the colors used for the sunburst chart.

Output Ports

SVG image of the sunburst chart.
Input table plus a new column that gives the selections made in the view.

Popular Successors


Interactive View: Sunburst Chart
A D3.js implementation of a sunburst chart.




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