

Structural Topic Modelling (STM) via Verified Components

This example shows how to adopt the verified components Topic Extractor (STM) and the Topic Assigner (STM).

The main difference with using the Topic Extractor (Parallel LDA) node is that also the document metadata can be provided during training.

The component adopts the R library 'stm' and requires you to install conda to automatically install the R and the required libraries.

Find more info about the R library, the KNIME R Integration and the Verified Components documentation in the links below.

Training Predictor Documents Data Preparation Structural Topic Modelling (STM) via Verified Components This example shows how to adopt the verified components Topic Extractor (STM) and the Topic Assigner (STM). The main difference with using the Topic Extractor (Parallel LDA) node is that also the document metadata can be provided during training. The component adopts the R library 'stm' and requires you to install conda to automatically install the R and the required libraries. Interactive Views optimal K searchk = 20 no metadataholdout predsholdouttop term topicstrainPartitioning Row Sampling Topic Extractor(STM) Topic Extractor(STM) Topic Assigner(STM) Read andPrepare Docs Document Viewer Column Filter Tag Cloud Document Viewer Training Predictor Documents Data Preparation Structural Topic Modelling (STM) via Verified Components This example shows how to adopt the verified components Topic Extractor (STM) and the Topic Assigner (STM). The main difference with using the Topic Extractor (Parallel LDA) node is that also the document metadata can be provided during training. The component adopts the R library 'stm' and requires you to install conda to automatically install the R and the required libraries. Interactive Views optimal K searchk = 20 no metadataholdout predsholdouttop term topicstrainPartitioning Row Sampling Topic Extractor(STM) Topic Extractor(STM) Topic Assigner(STM) Read andPrepare Docs Document Viewer Column Filter Tag Cloud Document Viewer


