Duration to Number

Converts a duration to the selected field and appends the value as a long or double column. Valid fields are hours, minutes, seconds, nano-, micro- and milliseconds. If the output should be a long value the conversion result will be truncated, e.g. if the duration 1 hour 30 minutes should be converted to hours, the exact output is 1.5 hours whereas the truncated output 1 hour.

Note: Only time-based durations can be converted to numbers, since the conversion of date-based durations is not well defined (e.g. it is not clearly defined how many days a month has).


Column Selection

Column Selector
A time-based duration column can be chosen.

Conversion Settings

A granularity (hours, minutes, seconds, nano-, micro- or milliseconds) can be selected to which the duration gets converted.
Exact (double value)
The output will be the exact calculation, e.g. the duration 1 hour 30 minutes 30 seconds will be converted to 1.508 hours or 90.5 minutes or 5430 seconds etc.
Truncated (long value)
The output will be the truncated calculation, e.g. the duration 1 hour 30 minutes 30 seconds will be converted to 1 hour or 90 minutes or 5430 seconds etc.

Input Ports

Input table.

Output Ports

Output table containing the converted field as appended column (either long or double).

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