CAIM Binner

This node implements the CAIM binning (discretization) algorithm according to Kurgan and Cios (2004) URL: The binning (discretization) is performed with respect to a selected class column. CAIM creates all possible binning boundaries and chooses those that minimize the class interdependancy measure. To reduce the runtime, this implementation creates only those boundaries where the value and the class changes. The algorithm finds a minimum number of bins (guided by the number of possible class values) and labels them "Interval_X". Only columns compatible with double values are binned and the column's type of the output table is changed to "String".


Class Column
The class column. According to this column the binning is optimized.
Column selection
Allows to include those columns which should be included in the discretization. Just the included columns are discretized and changed to "String" type.
General Node Settings
To increase performance, select the memory policy 'Keep all in memory' at the PREVIOUS node (if possible) from the General Node Settings Tab.

Input Ports

The data table to bin (discretize).

Output Ports

The binned data table.
The model representing the binning. Contains the intervals for each bin of each column.

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Binning Model
The view shows the column's binning scheme. For each column a ruler is displayed on which the bin boundaries are marked.




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