Table Row To Variable Loop Start

This Node Is Deprecated — This node is kept for backwards-compatibility, but the usage in new workflows is no longer recommended. The documentation below might contain more information.

This node uses each row of a data table to define new variable values for each loop iteration. The names of the variables are defined by the column names.


Missing value handling
Allows to specify how to cope with missing values. Note that an empty table is treated as if it would contain only missing values.
  • Fail: Ensures that the node will fail during execution if the input table is empty or contains missing values in the columns to convert
  • Use defaults if available: Replaces any missing value by the (configured) defaults. In case no default value is associated with the missing cell's type the execution will fail.
  • Omit: Missing cells will not be converted and therefore be omitted from the output.
Allows to specify the defaults for String, Boolean, Integer, Long and Double cells.
Column selection
Allows the selection of the those columns whose cells must be converted to flow variables.

Input Ports

The table whose rows will constitute variables' values for each iteration.

Output Ports

Connection carrying on the variables.

Popular Predecessors


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