

Level: Easy

Description: You are a climate scientist studying CO₂ emissions. To make your research insights more accessible to your colleagues, and then write a paper about it, you decide to build a report-enabled component in KNIME that allows users to check how emissions vary for different regions and sources. What are the most alarming insights illustrated in such report?

CO2create selection setiso codecreate pathcreate pathTable Reader Joiner GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Table Reader Sorter animated bar chart Report TemplateCreator report (general) Report PDF Writer String Manipulation(Variable) dashboard(general data) dashboard (singlecountry) export (singlecountry) select countryto eport Group Loop Start Report TemplateCreator Report Loop End String Manipulation(Variable) Report PDF Writer CO2create selection setiso codecreate pathcreate pathTable Reader Joiner GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Table Reader Sorter animated bar chart Report TemplateCreator report (general) Report PDF Writer String Manipulation(Variable) dashboard(general data) dashboard (singlecountry) export (singlecountry) select countryto eport Group Loop Start Report TemplateCreator Report Loop End String Manipulation(Variable) Report PDF Writer


