Container Input (Row)

This node receives a row from an external caller (i.e. the Call Workflow (Row Based) nodes or via an external REST client) and makes it available at the output port. Rows are represented in the input as simple key/value maps where the keys are the column names and the corresponding values are the row cells. A configured parameter makes the Container Input (Row) visible to the external caller.

If a data table is connected to the optional input port, the node will simply forward the first row of the table to the output port unless a row is supplied via an external caller, in which case the supplied row will be available at the output port.

If no input is given, a configured template row is output.


Parameter name
A name for the input parameter (preferably unique). This name is exposed in the REST interface.
Append unique ID to parameter name
If checked, the name set above will be amended by the node's ID to guarantee unique parameter names. Usually it's a good idea to have this box not checked and instead make sure to use meaningful and unique names in all container nodes present in a workflow.
A description for the input parameter. The description is shown in the API specification of the REST interface.
Accept any input
Accepts any well formed input with an arbitrary number of columns. Each object (key/value pair) in the input represents a column, where the key is the column name and the value is the cell. The columns will only have primitive types (string, int, double, long and boolean).
Require input to match template row specification
Only accepts input that matches the template row specification. The input has to contain an object (key/value pair) for each of the columns in the template, where the key is identical to the column's name and the value can be parsed to the column's type. The input columns can be of any order, but will be output in the same order as in the template.

The input validation can be adjusted via a set of input validation options.
Template row
The reference row which the external input is required to match. Defines the expected column names and types of the input and the order of the output.

The template row populates the "InputParameters" field of the generated API specification, which is presented to end users for documentation purposes.
Set first row of input as template
Takes the first row from the table provided by the optional input port and sets it as the template.
Missing values
Accept missing values - the missing values in the input row will be filled with missing values.
Fill with template values - the missing values in the input row will be filled with the corresponding values defined in the template row.
Fail - missing values in the input row will cause the node to fail.
Missing columns
Defines how missing columns, i.e. columns that the template requires, but are not in the input, are handled:

Fill with missing value - the missing columns will be present in the output row with missing values
Fill with template value - the missing columns will be present in the output row with the corresponding template values defined in the template row
Remove - the missing columns are removed and not present in the output row
Fail - the node fails on any missing columns
Unknown columns
Defines how unknown columns, i.e. columns that are present in the input, but are not required by the template, are handled:

Append at the end of the table - appends all unknown columns at the end of the output row
Ignore - ignores all unknown columns in the output row

Input Ports

An optional input that can be used to configure a template row.

Output Ports

The row contained in this container. A configured template row is output if no row has been injected from an external source.

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