

Fraud Detection: Row Input

This workflow showcases how the Container Input (Row) and Container Output (Row) nodes can be used to create a REST API for a workflow that can then be deployed as inference workflow to KNIME Edge. The workflow can be called via REST and classifies a transaction as fraudulent or not fraudulent.

First, it applies some pre-processing by normalizing the data. Then, it reads in an already trained model and applies it to the input data. A custom prediction threshold is applied wit a Rule Engine node to get the final prediction (true for fraud, false for not fraud). Last, the output is post-processed and made ready for the response.

When deployed to KNIME Edge, a POST request with the following JSON body can be used for testing:

"V1": -1.65977253845451,
"V2": 1.28590703928839,
"V3": -3.34963337176211,
"V4": 2.05070755935895,
"Amount": 5.49

The response will be:

"Prediction": true

Prediction/Inferencing REST Response REST API for Fraud DetectionThis workflow showcases how the Container Input (Row) and Container Output (Row)nodes can be used to create a REST API for a workflow that can then be deployed asinference workflow to KNIME Edge. The workflow can be called via REST and classifiesa transaction as fraudulent or not fraudulent.See the workflow description for example requests and responses. REST API Output predictionP(Class=1)>0.3 => trueP(Class=1)<=0.3 => falseRead RF ModelInput transaction dataContainerOutput (Row) Random ForestPredictor Rule Engine Model Reader Preprocessing Postprocessing ContainerInput (Row) Prediction/Inferencing REST Response REST API for Fraud DetectionThis workflow showcases how the Container Input (Row) and Container Output (Row)nodes can be used to create a REST API for a workflow that can then be deployed asinference workflow to KNIME Edge. The workflow can be called via REST and classifiesa transaction as fraudulent or not fraudulent.See the workflow description for example requests and responses. REST API Output predictionP(Class=1)>0.3 => trueP(Class=1)<=0.3 => falseRead RF ModelInput transaction dataContainerOutput (Row) Random ForestPredictor Rule Engine Model Reader Preprocessing Postprocessing ContainerInput (Row)


