Lookup and Add Columns

This node uses a column in the first input as a key to lookup data and concatenate either one or all columns from the corresponding row in the second input. The value in the key column is used to match one of the rows in the lookup data table using the lookup column. If the lookup column is a molecule (i.e., Maestro, Sdf, or Pdb), then the key value will be matched with the molecule name/title. Either one selected column or all columns of the lookup data (depending on the dialog box setting) will be included in the output. Keys from the first input that fail to match are given blank (or zero) values. Note: The second input needs to have more than one column for this node to configure properly.


Key column
The column from the first input that is used as a key to lookup into the Lookup column of the second input
Lookup column
The column from the second input that is used to lookup.
Include column
The column that is added on to the output if Include One Column is set.
Include one column
If checked, the output will consist of the first input concatenated with the include column from the second input row which matches the key in the lookup column.
Include all columns
If checked, the output will consist of the first input concatenated with all columns from the second input row which matches the key in the lookup column.
Add String to column names in Input 2 (if duplicate)
This string is added to the output column name if it has a duplicate
Use Hash
If checked, the execution of the node uses a hash table in memory to keep all of the necessary data from the second input used to lookup. Otherwise, for each lookup, the entire second input is scanned until the first match is found.

Input Ports

The entirety of this input is always included in the output
This data is used as a lookup that matches the lookup column with the key column in the input data. This data is used selectively for each row in the output dependent on the matching keys from the input data and values in the lookup column.

Output Ports

The concatenation of the input data and its matching lookup data. This lookup data can be either one or all columns in the second input.

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