
MPS Report_​V21 Update 01Sep21

Get MPS Diagnostics / Root Causes / Score Aggregation Get Production data Write back to SharePoint Data Modeling Final Stage Node 4Node 5Merge MPS Scoring with COOISPINode 160Node 161Node 162Adding Prod.'s AttributesNode 205Node 246Node 248Node 274Node 276Node 281Node 282Node 283Node 284Create a temp location to save the excel fileGet the temp locationConvert location to a URI pathUpload the fileNode 384Node 391Node 396Node 397Create a temp location to save the excel fileGet the temp locationUpload the fileConvert location to a URI pathNode 423Node 424Node 425Node 426Node 428Node 429Create a temp location to save the excel fileNode 431Get the temp locationConvert location to a URI pathUpload the fileNode 440Node 578Node 604Node 605Node 625Node 630Node 631Node 632Node 633Node 641Node 642 Create FileName (legacy) Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) Joiner (deprecated) Adding WorkCenter Column Score Manipulation Report Reshaping Joiner (deprecated) Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) MPS Scoring Column Resorter PROs DurationCalculation Column Filter ProductionCalculation MSU Scheduled Date /Time Manipulation ReferenceColumn Resorter Table Creator Create TempDir (legacy) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) String to URI Upload (legacy) Read ProductionData Column Filter ReferenceRow Filter Column Combiner Create TempDir (legacy) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) Upload (legacy) String to URI Row Filter(deprecated) Row Filter(deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) GroupBy Group Loop Start Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Create TempDir (legacy) Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) String to URI Upload (legacy) Rule Engine Read Attributes Read MPS Data YSTD Data Column Rename(deprecated) YSTD Column Missing Value Cuurent MonthSummary MasterConnection Recognize HALB MRPC Category /Plant Modeling Get MPS Diagnostics / Root Causes / Score Aggregation Get Production data Write back to SharePoint Data Modeling Final Stage Node 4Node 5Merge MPS Scoring with COOISPINode 160Node 161Node 162Adding Prod.'s AttributesNode 205Node 246Node 248Node 274Node 276Node 281Node 282Node 283Node 284Create a temp location to save the excel fileGet the temp locationConvert location to a URI pathUpload the fileNode 384Node 391Node 396Node 397Create a temp location to save the excel fileGet the temp locationUpload the fileConvert location to a URI pathNode 423Node 424Node 425Node 426Node 428Node 429Create a temp location to save the excel fileNode 431Get the temp locationConvert location to a URI pathUpload the fileNode 440Node 578Node 604Node 605Node 625Node 630Node 631Node 632Node 633Node 641Node 642 Create FileName (legacy) Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) Joiner (deprecated) Adding WorkCenter Column Score Manipulation Report Reshaping Joiner (deprecated) Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) MPS Scoring Column Resorter PROs DurationCalculation Column Filter ProductionCalculation MSU Scheduled Date /Time Manipulation ReferenceColumn Resorter Table Creator Create TempDir (legacy) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) String to URI Upload (legacy) Read ProductionData Column Filter ReferenceRow Filter Column Combiner Create TempDir (legacy) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) Upload (legacy) String to URI Row Filter(deprecated) Row Filter(deprecated) Loop End(deprecated) GroupBy Group Loop Start Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Create TempDir (legacy) Excel Writer (XLS)(deprecated) Variable to TableRow (deprecated) String to URI Upload (legacy) Rule Engine Read Attributes Read MPS Data YSTD Data Column Rename(deprecated) YSTD Column Missing Value Cuurent MonthSummary MasterConnection Recognize HALB MRPC Category /Plant Modeling


