RDKit One Component Reaction

Applies a reaction to an input RDKit Mol column.

The output table contains a row for each product produced by applying the reaction to the inputs.
Each row contains the product molecule, index information, and the reactant molecule that was used.

The reaction can either be defined by a SMARTS pattern in the dialog or by providing a Rxn value at the second input port.



Reactant RDKit Mol column
The column from the first table containing reactant molecules
Rxn column
The column from the second table containing the Rxn
Reaction SMARTS
A reaction SMARTS describing the reaction.
For a description of the format, please have a look in The RDKit Book.


Randomize reactants
If checked, random reactants will be picked for the reactions.
Maximum number of random reactions
Specify here the maximum number of reactions to be calculated.
Random seed (or -1 to be ignored):
Specify here a seed for the random number generator or -1 to use it without a seed.

Other Options

Uniquify products
Enable this option to filter out duplicates of products caused by symmetry in molecules. Only the first of multiple encountered products will show up in the result table.


Include additional columns from reactant input table into product output table
Enable this option in order to select additional data columns from reactant input table to be included into the result table.
Additional columns from Reactant table
Selection of additional data columns from reactant input table.

Input Ports

Table with RDKit Molecule column
Table with reaction values; if there are multiple rows only the first row is considered

Output Ports

Product molecules

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