Delete Files/Folders (Table)

This nodes deletes files and folders listed in a Path column. The node has got an optional input port for a File System connection which can be used to delete files and folders on different file systems. Note that if the node is connected to a file system all paths will be resolved against the connected file system. In case the input column contains a path from a connected file system and no filesystem connection is connected, the node will fail during execution.

This node can access a variety of different file systems. More information about file handling in KNIME can be found in the official File Handling Guide.


Column selection
The Path column that contains the paths which should be deleted.
Fail if delete fails
If this option is checked, the node will fail if one of the files / folders could not be deleted i.e. it could not be accessed. If it is unchecked the output table will contain a column that indicates if a file/folder got successfully deleted or not.
Fail if file does not exist
If this option is checked the node will fail if one of the files / folders does not exist.

Input Ports

The input table containing a Path column.
The file system connection.

Output Ports

Table containing the list of files/folders that have been deleted. Based on the fail options, there are additional boolean columns which indicates whether a deletion was successful or not and if a file existed or not.

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