

using k-means to summarize the data to n prototypes rowPort 0 : train setPort 1: test setSHAP : Look at the viewof this componentusing SHAP Summarizer Sampling weightSampled 100 rowshousing.csvSHAP Summarizer Partitioning Dependence Plot SHAP Loop End SHAP Loop Start Row Sampling Post-Processing CSV Reader Gradient Boosted TreesLearner (Regression) Gradient Boosted TreesPredictor (Regression) using k-means to summarize the data to n prototypes rowPort 0 : train setPort 1: test setSHAP : Look at the viewof this componentusing SHAP Summarizer Sampling weightSampled 100 rowshousing.csvSHAP Summarizer Partitioning Dependence Plot SHAP Loop End SHAP Loop Start Row Sampling Post-Processing CSV Reader Gradient Boosted TreesLearner (Regression) Gradient Boosted TreesPredictor (Regression)


