
Find header row using a known list, from within data table and extract table

A table containing possible column names is used to determine a match for what would be data read from an Excel spreadsheet where the row containing the column names is unknown.

After the loop, the result is a data table extracted from the "Random Excel Data"

(optional process to return matching table number) It is assumed that the column order isknown, and does not vary. The columnaggregators are therefore generating aconcatenation of the columns. If the order of columns can vary, thenoptions would be to create a set, or asorted list in both cases. @takbb componentSample Table Headers@takbb componentThis would be theRandom Excel Datalower port contains tableif there is a matchand "update domain" selected(in advanced options)upper port = data tablelower port = matching table numberaggregate just the "Column*" columnsas a concatenation(ignore missing)loop through set of concatenated columnsaggregate all columnsas a concatenationremove "column-list" columnuse first row as column namesreturn the matched table numberNode 19Node 20do nothing DelimitedText Reader DelimitedText Reader Table Splitter Loop End Column Aggregator Table Row toVariable Loop Start Column Aggregator Column Filter Row to Column Names Variable toTable Row Empty Table Switch CASE Switch End Add Empty Rows (optional process to return matching table number) It is assumed that the column order isknown, and does not vary. The columnaggregators are therefore generating aconcatenation of the columns. If the order of columns can vary, thenoptions would be to create a set, or asorted list in both cases. @takbb componentSample Table Headers@takbb componentThis would be theRandom Excel Datalower port contains tableif there is a matchand "update domain" selected(in advanced options)upper port = data tablelower port = matching table numberaggregate just the "Column*" columnsas a concatenation(ignore missing)loop through set of concatenated columnsaggregate all columnsas a concatenationremove "column-list" columnuse first row as column namesreturn the matched table numberNode 19Node 20do nothingDelimitedText Reader DelimitedText Reader Table Splitter Loop End Column Aggregator Table Row toVariable Loop Start Column Aggregator Column Filter Row to Column Names Variable toTable Row Empty Table Switch CASE Switch End Add Empty Rows


