This directory contains 102 workflows.
This demonstration workflow provides a "template" for building a cumulative calculation using a recursive loop. The aim here is that only the nodes marked […]
Various ways of getting current date from KNIME into a table column
@takbb Brian Bates 7 June 2024
The sample data is a list of values, containing zero on some rows. In this example, whereever there is a zero, we treat this as the end of a group of […]
<p>Processing a "Bill of Materials" (BOM) structure with a recursive loop.</p><p></p><p>The Bill of Materials structure identifies a set of products where a […]
<p>Workflow for allocating groups of items into fixed size.<br><br>See forum item link for description of challenge.</p><p></p><p></p><p>@takbb Brian Bates […]
A workflow to calculate the set of combinations from a given input. see forum […]
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