

This directory contains 39 workflows.

IconCalculating Tree from levels with Cumulative Framework Components 

This demonstration workflow provides a "template" for building a cumulative calculation using a recursive loop with my Cumulative Framework Components The […]

IconColumn Name aggregation with Rule Engine (Multi Column}) component 

<p>Demonstration of the Rule Engine (Multi Column) component, using extended syntax to output the name of the column being […]

IconComponent Demo - Replace Path Variable 

Component Demo - Replace Path Variable This workflow demonstrates the use of the "Replace Path Variable" component. It's purpose is to replace (or […]

IconComponent Demo - Test ip address in subnet 

Component Demo - Test ip address in subnet Demonstrates component for testing if a given ip address is within a subnet

IconConvert question mark to missing values 

Some different methods to convert physical question marks in data to missing values across multiple columns URL: Forum Question 79613 […]

IconCreate variable from other variables 

Demonstrates usage of my Dynamic Variable Creator and Dynamic Variable Replacer (Multi Variable) components for replacing other flow variable "tags" within […]


CUBE in KNIME Demonstration workflow for CUBE Builder component. Takes a data source and from it generates a CUBE which can be summarised according […]

IconCumulative Framework solution to looping calculations 

The aim is to compare an amount against a given "name", with values for each month, and determine which month values will form part of the total amount […]

IconDemo - Flexible Date Reader Component 

Demo - Flexible Date Reader Component This workflow demonstrates the flexible date reader. Provided that the incoming dates have the Year Month and Day […]

IconDemo Continue Tunnels 

Demo "Secret" Continue Tunnels Workflow demonstrating Connect To and Connect From "Secret Tunnels" which can be used to "wirelessly" connect nodes on the […]