
Demo Continue Tunnels

Demo "Secret" Continue Tunnels
The Reset Continue Tunnels node SHOULD be connected in line with themain flow at the beginning of the flow so that it is executed when the flowis restarted. This resets all of the flow "events".It doesn't have to be connected to the Continue From nodes, and theydon't need to be connected to each other for the flow to work (provided theConnect From nodes are reset manually as required, but by connectingtheir variable flow ports, it provides a convenient mechanism for resettingall of them when the Reset Continue Tunnels node is itself reset. Workflow demonstrating Connect To and ConnectFrom "Secret Tunnels" which can be used to"wirelessly" connect nodes on the right hand side ofthe flow back to the left hand side without lots of linescrossing the workflow.May 4th 2021 @takbb Brian Bates NOTE: Contains "Wireless" components. To ensure allcomponents are reset and run Workflow should be reset using Select All-Resete.g. Ctrl A-F8and run using Select All-Executee.g. Ctrl A-F7 Create some dataSort itNode 3 LOCATION_1 LOCATION_1 Sample Variable="Hello World"Another Variable=1001Filter out top 2 rows MOST ROWS MOST ROWSNode 13Node 14 TOP 2 ROWS TOP 2 ROWS Reset ContinueTunnels Table Creator Sorter Row Filter Continue At Continue From Java EditVariable (simple) Java EditVariable (simple) Row Splitter Continue At Continue From Sorter Sorter Continue From Continue At The Reset Continue Tunnels node SHOULD be connected in line with themain flow at the beginning of the flow so that it is executed when the flowis restarted. This resets all of the flow "events".It doesn't have to be connected to the Continue From nodes, and theydon't need to be connected to each other for the flow to work (provided theConnect From nodes are reset manually as required, but by connectingtheir variable flow ports, it provides a convenient mechanism for resettingall of them when the Reset Continue Tunnels node is itself reset. Workflow demonstrating Connect To and ConnectFrom "Secret Tunnels" which can be used to"wirelessly" connect nodes on the right hand side ofthe flow back to the left hand side without lots of linescrossing the workflow.May 4th 2021 @takbb Brian Bates NOTE: Contains "Wireless" components. To ensure allcomponents are reset and runWorkflow should be reset using Select All-Resete.g. Ctrl A-F8and run using Select All-Executee.g. Ctrl A-F7 Create some dataSort itNode 3 LOCATION_1 LOCATION_1 Sample Variable="Hello World"Another Variable=1001Filter out top 2 rows MOST ROWS MOST ROWSNode 13Node 14 TOP 2 ROWS TOP 2 ROWSReset ContinueTunnels Table Creator Sorter Row Filter Continue At Continue From Java EditVariable (simple) Java EditVariable (simple) Row Splitter Continue At Continue From Sorter Sorter Continue From Continue At


