
Watermap 1-2


A Watermap job is submitted and the map inspected in Maestro. It could be run on several complexes in one run.

Watermap:A Watermap job is submitted and the map inspected in Maestro. It could be run on several complexes in one run. Protein-ligand complexesor 1YTK, 3DT1Protein and largest ligandWatemapcreate_wm_job Watermap runningDetails Watermapexamine results Jobcontrolconfiguration Chunk Loop Start Loop End Get PDB Protein PreparationWizard Split complexes Get Help Table Viewer Job Control Job Control Run Maestro Molecule Writer(from MAE) Watermap ParallelChunk Start Parallel Chunk End Table Viewer Watermap:A Watermap job is submitted and the map inspected in Maestro. It could be run on several complexes in one run. Protein-ligand complexesor 1YTK, 3DT1Protein and largest ligandWatemapcreate_wm_job Watermap runningDetails Watermapexamine results Jobcontrolconfiguration Chunk Loop Start Loop End Get PDB Protein PreparationWizard Split complexes Get Help Table Viewer Job Control Job Control Run Maestro Molecule Writer(from MAE) Watermap ParallelChunk Start Parallel Chunk End Table Viewer


