

Node 1Node 25Node 36Node 59Node 60Node 84Node 128Node 129Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 134Node 135Node 136Node 137Node 138Node 139Node 140Node 141Node 143Node 157Node 158Node 159Node 160Node 161Node 162Sin balanceo de clasesCon balanceo de clasesNode 176Node 177Node 178File Reader Equal Size Sampling Linear Correlation StringConfiguration Table Creator Column Appender Column Rename(Regex) ROC Curve Table Creator StringConfiguration Linear Correlation KNN Red Neuronal File Reader Column Filter Naive Bayes XGBoost Random Forest ZeroR String Manipulation(Variable) Image To Table Column Rename ROC ROC Correlation Filter Data Explorer Algoritmos yResultados Algoritmos yResultados Linear Correlation Correlation Filter Data Explorer Node 1Node 25Node 36Node 59Node 60Node 84Node 128Node 129Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 134Node 135Node 136Node 137Node 138Node 139Node 140Node 141Node 143Node 157Node 158Node 159Node 160Node 161Node 162Sin balanceo de clasesCon balanceo de clasesNode 176Node 177Node 178File Reader Equal Size Sampling Linear Correlation StringConfiguration Table Creator Column Appender Column Rename(Regex) ROC Curve Table Creator StringConfiguration Linear Correlation KNN Red Neuronal File Reader Column Filter Naive Bayes XGBoost Random Forest ZeroR String Manipulation(Variable) Image To Table Column Rename ROC ROC Correlation Filter Data Explorer Algoritmos yResultados Algoritmos yResultados Linear Correlation Correlation Filter Data Explorer


