

Не получается построить. Немогу найти где ошибка Не получается построить. Не могу найти где ошибка Не получается построить. Не могу найти где ошибка IT Salary Predictionmodul 4Sputnova H2O single nodeinstanceNode 19perform clusteringCollectSome CV statistics5-fold CV LoopPredictCalculate accuracy andconfusion matrix80% for training set20% for testing setTrain model withSAG and Gausspriorz-normalize the data with0 mean and standarddeviation of 1Use the model to make predictionsNode 32380% for training set20% for testing setlearn model80% for training set20% for testing setNode 336score predictionImport Table to H2O FrameNode 339Salary Dataearly stop, depth 6 N of models 50score predictionz-scorescore predictionNode 349 Statistics Numeric Outliers Linear Correlation ROC Curve (local) H2O Local Context Category To Number Category To Number k-Means Loop End(deprecated) GroupBy H2O Cross ValidationLoop Start H2O Predictor(Classification) Scorer (deprecated) Partitioning LogisticRegression Learner Normalizer (PMML) Logistic RegressionPredictor Denormalizer (PMML) DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Column Filter Partitioning Gradient Boosted TreesLearner (deprecated) Partitioning Gradient Boosted TreesPredictor (deprecated) Scorer (deprecated) Table to H2O H2O Binomial Scorer CSV Reader H2O Gradient BoostingMachine Learner Scorer (deprecated) Column Filter Double To Int Normalizer (PMML) Scorer (deprecated) ROC Curve Binary ClassificationInspector Не получается построить. Немогу найти где ошибка Не получается построить. Не могу найти где ошибка Не получается построить. Не могу найти где ошибка IT Salary Predictionmodul 4Sputnova H2O single nodeinstanceNode 19perform clusteringCollectSome CV statistics5-fold CV LoopPredictCalculate accuracy andconfusion matrix80% for training set20% for testing setTrain model withSAG and Gausspriorz-normalize the data with0 mean and standarddeviation of 1Use the model to make predictionsNode 32380% for training set20% for testing setlearn model80% for training set20% for testing setNode 336score predictionImport Table to H2O FrameNode 339Salary Dataearly stop, depth 6 N of models 50score predictionz-scorescore predictionNode 349Statistics Numeric Outliers Linear Correlation ROC Curve (local) H2O Local Context Category To Number Category To Number k-Means Loop End(deprecated) GroupBy H2O Cross ValidationLoop Start H2O Predictor(Classification) Scorer (deprecated) Partitioning LogisticRegression Learner Normalizer (PMML) Logistic RegressionPredictor Denormalizer (PMML) DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Column Filter Partitioning Gradient Boosted TreesLearner (deprecated) Partitioning Gradient Boosted TreesPredictor (deprecated) Scorer (deprecated) Table to H2O H2O Binomial Scorer CSV Reader H2O Gradient BoostingMachine Learner Scorer (deprecated) Column Filter Double To Int Normalizer (PMML) Scorer (deprecated) ROC Curve Binary ClassificationInspector


