DB Connector

This node creates a connection to an arbitrary JDBC database. You need to select an appropriate driver and provide the JDBC URL of the database (which is database specific). New database drivers are registered via the KNIME preferences page. Login credentials can either be provided directly in the configuration or via credential variables. For more details see the database documentation.


Connection settings

Database Type
This option allows you to explicitly define the type of database the node connects to. Depending on the database type the SQL dialect, the supported data types and statement such as insert, update, delete or drop as well as the aggregation functions might differ.
Database Dialect
Choose the registered database dialect here.
Database Driver

Choose the JDBC driver to connect to the database here. If you select "Use latest driver version available" upon execution the node will automatically use the driver with the latest (highest) driver version that is available for the current database type. This has the advantage that you do not need to touch the workflow after a driver update. However, the workflow might break in the rare case that the behavior of the driver e.g. type mapping changes with the newer version.

If this option is not enabled, you can select a specific version of the registered drivers via the drop-down list. Additional drivers can be registered via KNIME's preference page "KNIME -> Databases". For more details on how to register a new driver see the database documentation.

Database URL
Enter the database name here, for example jdbc:mysql://host:port/database_name
If checked, the authentication is not required.
If checked, the credentials (user and password) are used as defined in the workflow. The credential name links to the specified user and password.
Your log-in user name for the database.
Username & password
Your log-in user name and password for the database. Note that the password is encrypted before storage and decrypted afterwards for being used internally.
Uses an existing Kerberos ticket for authentication. To configure the KNIME Kerberos settings open the preferences page and go to KNIME-Kerberos.
Please refer to the documentation of the database you are connecting to for additional connection parameter such as the Kerberos realm or service principal. These parameters can be set in the JDBC Parameters tab.

JDBC Parameters

This tab allows you to define JDBC driver connection parameter. The value of a parameter can be a constant, variable, credential user, credential password or KNIME URL.


This tab allows you to define KNIME framework properties such as connection handling, advanced SQL dialect settings or logging options. The available properties depend on the selected database type and driver.

Input Type Mapping

This tab allows you to define rules to map from database types to KNIME types.

Mapping by Name
Columns that match the given name (or regular expression) and database type will be mapped to the specified KNIME type.
Mapping by Type
Columns that match the given database type will be mapped to the specified KNIME type.

Output Type Mapping

This tab allows you to define rules to map from KNIME types to database types.

Mapping by Name
Columns that match the given name (or regular expression) and KNIME type will be mapped to the specified database type.
Mapping by Type
Columns that match the given KNIME type will be mapped to the specified database type.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

DB Connection to the database.

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