Supply Chain Map Polyline

This node can be used to see road distance using polyline.
For this node one input table is needed. The table should contain all polylines.

Save scenario flag needs to be true in order to node runs successfuly. Fill the workspace id for the workspace in which the scenario should be saved, and give name to the scenario.
In case existing scenario should be overwritten, set the overwrite scenario flag also to true, otherwise leave to false.
In case scenario should be merge within existing scenario, set the merge with existing scenario flag also to true, otherwise leave to false.
Overwrite and merge scenario flags can not be true at the same time.

To use this node you need an API Key from Log-hub Supply Chain Apps. This key you can generate with an Supply Chain Apps Pro Account. More information you can find on

Log-hub video for API key generation:


Please select the latitude column
Please select the longitude column
Please select the polyline column
Please select the layer column
Save Scenario (Save Scenario on Platform)
In order to save scenario on the Log-hub Platform, set the parameter to true
Overwrite Scenario (Save Scenario on Platform)
In order to overwrite existing scenario on Log-hub Platform, set the parameter to true
Merge With Existing Scenario (Save Scenario on Platform)
In order to merge with existing scenario on Log-hub Platform with the scenario name that is entered, set the parameter to true
Workspace Id - workspace where Scenario should be saved (Save Scenario on Platform)
Please enter here the workspace id in which you want to save scenario
Scenario Name (Save Scenario on Platform)
Please enter scenario name
Log-hub API Key
Please enter here the API Key from Log-hub.

Input Ports

The polylineData data input needs to contain the Latitude, Longitude, Polyline nad Layer. The mandatory fields are Latitude, Longitude and Polyline. Please map the fields accordingly in the configuration.

Output Ports

The polylineData output contains all polyline input.


