RSS Feed Reader

This node parses feeds from the URLs specified in the input data table and retrieves information like title, description, publication date and article link from the feed entries. It is also possible to create a document, XML and/or HTTP response code column. The document will be created from the feed entry information and the XML column shows the XML snippet for the specific feed entry. The RSS Feed Parser uses the ROME(1.0) library. ROME supports following formats and versions:

  • RSS 2.0
  • RSS 1.0
  • RSS 0.94
  • RSS 0.93
  • RSS 0.92
  • RSS 0.91 Userland
  • RSS 0.91 Netscape
  • RSS 0.90
  • Atom 1.0
  • Atom 0.3
For more information about ROME, visit their website.


URL column
The URLs to get the feeds from.
Number of threads
Select the maximum number of threads that should be used to read the feeds.
Set the timeout (in milliseconds) for connecting to and reading from the input source.
Create document column
If checked, the node creates an additional document column for each feed entry.
Create XML column
If checked, the node creates an additional XML column, containing the XML snippet for each feed entry.
Create HTTP status code column
If checked, the node create an additional integer column, containing the HTTP status code for each URL. This is only applicable for HTTP URLs.
Word tokenizer
Select the tokenizer used for word tokenization. Go to Preferences -> KNIME -> Textprocessing to read the description for each tokenizer.

Input Ports

An input table which contains a string column with URLs to RSS or Atom feeds.

Output Ports

An output table which contains parsed feed information.

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