Feature Table To List

The 'Feature Table to List' node is designed to rotate a wide table of Product Features and convert it into an equivalent list of Product-Feature Pairs.

For example:

  Product1 Feature1 Feature2 Feature3 Feature4 Feature5
  Product1 Feature1
  Product1 Feature2
  Product1 Feature3
  Product1 Feature4
  Product1 Feature5

The 'Feature Table to List' node is typically used upstream of a 'Product Generator' node. The 'Product Generator' node expects to receive an 'Input Product Features' table as two-column list of Product-Feature pairs. However, it is often easier for a user to manage Product Features (in Excel) as a wide table where each column represents a different high-level Attribute.

For example, a user may prefer to manage the Features that make up various ice cream Products in a wide table having the column headings: Product, Flavor, Color, Packaging, Size, and Toppings. For the 'Product Generator' node to be able to process this table, the data would first need to be converted into a list with two columns: Product, Feature.

More Help: Examples and sample workflows can be found at the Scientific Strategy website: www.scientificstrategy.com.


Standard Options

Include Product Features
All of the Feature columns from the Input Features Table to include in the Output Features List. The Features selected for inclusion will be saved in the 'Feature' column in the Output Feature List. String values, Boolean values, Numeric Doubles, and Numeric Integers will all be converted into Feature String values.
Double to String Decimal Places
Columns with Numeric Double values will be converted into String values having a fixed number decimal places. Features of all types can also be pre-converted into String values by other upstream nodes.

Input Ports

Input Feature Table: The input set of Features that define each Product in the format of a wide table. The Input Feature Table should include the following columns:
  1. Product (string): The name of each Product in the Market. Products found in each row of the Input Feature Table are typically unique, with the list of Features associated with each Product listed in the same row. But the uniqueness of Product names is not checked, and duplicate rows will also be appended to the Output Feature List. Rows with missing Product names will be skipped. If the 'Product' column is missing then the 'RowID' will be used instead.
  2. List of Feature Columns (string): (optional) All of the other columns in the Input Feature Table can correspond to the different Features associated with each Product. It would be most common for all of these Feature columns to be of type 'String' but other types are also allowed to provide the user with greater flexibility. The user-selected Feature columns will be saved in the 'Feature' column in the Output Feature List. The heading names of the user-selected columns will also be saved in the 'Attribute' column in the Output Feature List. Column cells with missing Features will be skipped.
  3. Price (double): (optional) The Price of the Product. This Price will be converted into a String value just like the other List of Features and included in the Output Feature List. But the Product Generator node will recognize the Price Feature as being special, and will use it to set the Price in the Output Product Array.
  4. Cost (double): (optional) The Cost of the Product. This Cost will be converted into a String value just like the other List of Features and included in the Output Feature List. But the Product Generator node will recognize the Cost Feature as being special, and will use it to set the Cost in the Output Product Array.
  5. Quantity (integer): (optional) A reference Quantity sold for the Product in the actual (real-world) Market. This Quantity will be converted into a String value and, like Price and Cost, will be recognized by the Product Generator node as being a special Feature. If the Quantity is provided in a downstream Market Simulation node then a 'Quantity Error' can be calculated as part of the results in the Output Product Array.

Output Ports

Output Feature List: The equivalent set of Features listed as Product-Feature pairs. The Output Feature List will contain these columns:
  1. Product: The Product names found in the Input Feature Table.
  2. Attribute: The column headers from the Input Feature Table for the Features that were selected by the user for inclusion. These column headers typically describe the high-level Attribute type for the Features found within each the Product. For example, for ice cream Products, the Attributes may include: Flavor, Color, Packaging, Size, and Toppings.
  3. Feature: The list of Features associated with each Product found within the user-selected columns in the Input Feature Table.


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