
CS-151 Android vs iOS v05

[Case Studies] CS-151 Android vs iOS
Background: Apple is the sole supplier of iOS phones, while Android phones aremanufactured and sold by many suppliers. iPhones are more expensive and Appleis the most profitable supplier of phones. Android suppliers are less profitable butAndroid has a larger overall market share, with price points ranging from verycheap up to almost as expensive as the iPhones.This workflow shows how all these results are modeled with Market Simulation. Case Study (CS-151) - Android vs iOSShows how a simple Market Simulation can accurately model thefundamentals of the competitive battle between Android and iOS phones. We assume that the valueprovided by a phone's software(Android or iOS) is roughly thesame as the value provided bythe phone's brand of hardware. Customers have more difficultydistinguishing Android brandedhardware than "Apple" brandedphones. Often Android phones"all look the same". Phones = Software + HardwareThe iPhone cost Apple more tomanufacturer as the Androidsoftware is free. Virtual Customers purchase thephone that give them thegreatest "Consumer Surplus".That is, the phone's WTP valueminus the phone's Price. Results are like the real-world:1. Android biggest Market Share2. Apple most Revenue3. Apple much more ProfitableValue ofSoftwareValue ofBranded HardwareAverage Valueof SoftwareAverage Valueof HardwareCustomerWillingness To Pay(WTP) for SoftwareMarket ofPhonesProductPlatformPrice / CostModelPhone MarketMarket ShareRevenueProfitabilityby PlatformPhoneFeaturesProductPlatformPrice / CostCustomerWillingness To Pay(WTP) for HardwareSoftware +Branded Hardware Table Creator Table Creator Column Rename Column Rename CustomerDistributions Product Generator Column Filter Simulate Market GroupBy Table Creator Feature TableTo List MatrixDistributions Column Appender Background: Apple is the sole supplier of iOS phones, while Android phones aremanufactured and sold by many suppliers. iPhones are more expensive and Appleis the most profitable supplier of phones. Android suppliers are less profitable butAndroid has a larger overall market share, with price points ranging from verycheap up to almost as expensive as the iPhones.This workflow shows how all these results are modeled with Market Simulation. Case Study (CS-151) - Android vs iOSShows how a simple Market Simulation can accurately model thefundamentals of the competitive battle between Android and iOS phones. We assume that the valueprovided by a phone's software(Android or iOS) is roughly thesame as the value provided bythe phone's brand of hardware. Customers have more difficultydistinguishing Android brandedhardware than "Apple" brandedphones. Often Android phones"all look the same". Phones = Software + HardwareThe iPhone cost Apple more tomanufacturer as the Androidsoftware is free. Virtual Customers purchase thephone that give them thegreatest "Consumer Surplus".That is, the phone's WTP valueminus the phone's Price. Results are like the real-world:1. Android biggest Market Share2. Apple most Revenue3. Apple much more ProfitableValue ofSoftwareValue ofBranded HardwareAverage Valueof SoftwareAverage Valueof HardwareCustomerWillingness To Pay(WTP) for SoftwareMarket ofPhonesProductPlatformPrice / CostModelPhone MarketMarket ShareRevenueProfitabilityby PlatformPhoneFeaturesProductPlatformPrice / CostCustomerWillingness To Pay(WTP) for HardwareSoftware +Branded HardwareTable Creator Table Creator Column Rename Column Rename CustomerDistributions Product Generator Column Filter Simulate Market GroupBy Table Creator Feature TableTo List MatrixDistributions Column Appender


