
Row filter by value in column collection

Demo of filtering rows by values contained in a collection of columns
@takbb componentdemo list of column namesas String[] array variableSAMPLE DATAcreate single collection column withvalues from selected columns@takbb componentAre any of the list of values in the collection column?create "include-row" column1 or 0filter oninclude-rowcomma delimited list ofvaluesCreate String Array Variablefrom Delimited String Table Creator Create CollectionColumn CollectionInspection Row Filter Variable Creator @takbb componentdemo list of column namesas String[] array variableSAMPLE DATAcreate single collection column withvalues from selected columns@takbb componentAre any of the list of values in the collection column?create "include-row" column1 or 0filter oninclude-rowcomma delimited list ofvaluesCreate String Array Variablefrom Delimited String Table Creator Create CollectionColumn CollectionInspection Row Filter Variable Creator


