
Excel Formatting Demo

Another demo of using components for simplifying the formatting of an Excel spreadsheet.

Template ComponentThe idea behind my "template components" is that you choose an exisitingtemplate component from the hub, then unlink it, open it, modify it (add/remove/change the Continental nodes that it uses) and then rename it and place in itsannotation and description, a brief summary of what it does.Then re-share it either publicly or privately as a new component, which youcan then re-use on other workflows. Component for editing pathvariables so you don't haveto muck about with StringManipulations and Path toString and back againconversions! Component for doing much of thecommon "heavy lifting"and learning curve out of using theContinental Node tags demo datademo data setupdemo data setupwrite exceland store file aspath variablegenerate tagsappend -rpt to the filenamefor use as output in xls formattersets headings to grey backgroundset columns to auto widthfreeze header row, andauto filterwrite the updated sheetwith formattingTable Creator Row to ColumnHeader Column AutoType Cast Excel Writer XLS Control TableAuto Tag Generator Edit PathVariable Filename XLS ControlFormat Template 3 XLS Formatter(apply) Template ComponentThe idea behind my "template components" is that you choose an exisitingtemplate component from the hub, then unlink it, open it, modify it (add/remove/change the Continental nodes that it uses) and then rename it and place in itsannotation and description, a brief summary of what it does.Then re-share it either publicly or privately as a new component, which youcan then re-use on other workflows. Component for editing pathvariables so you don't haveto muck about with StringManipulations and Path toString and back againconversions! Component for doing much of thecommon "heavy lifting"and learning curve out of using theContinental Node tags demo datademo data setupdemo data setupwrite exceland store file aspath variablegenerate tagsappend -rpt to the filenamefor use as output in xls formattersets headings to grey backgroundset columns to auto widthfreeze header row, andauto filterwrite the updated sheetwith formattingTable Creator Row to ColumnHeader Column AutoType Cast Excel Writer XLS Control TableAuto Tag Generator Edit PathVariable Filename XLS ControlFormat Template 3 XLS Formatter(apply)


