Blank Non-Significant Values

Tracks one column within a grouping, and blanks another column where the tracking column has no further significant (non-zero) values. It can also perform blanking up to the first non-zero encountered.

Specify a single column against which data is to be grouped. (If grouping with more than one column is required, simply concatenate the required columns into a single "grouping" column.

Specify a second column to be tracked for significant values. The last non-zero value within any group is considered the last significant value in this column for that group.

Specify a third column (which could also be the tracked column) which is to have its value set to Missing from the point at which there are no further significant values in the tracked column.

May 15th 2021 @takbb Brian Bates


Choose Grouping Column
Enter a column that represents the identifier for a group. If a group identifier requires multiple columns, create a new column which joins together the values of all the other identifying columns prior to calling this node
Choose Column to be blanked after/before significant values (Blanking Column)
Enter column containing cells that should be blanked when non-significant values are found within the group
Choose Significant Value Column (Tracking Column)
Select the column that contains the values to be scanned for "last significant"
What to blank
Determine whether zeroes are to be blanked BEFORE the first non-zero, or AFTER the last non-zero (or both) for each group

Input Ports

Data, already sorted into the required order for processing by group

Output Ports

Data as supplied but with additional boolean columns FIRST_IN_GROUP and LAST_IN_GROUP


