
KN-122 Data Generation with Flow Variables v05

[KNIME Nodes] KN-122 Data Generation with Flow Variables

[KNIME Nodes] KN-122 Data Generation with Flow Variables

Demonstrates how complicated and exotic Customer Distributions can be generated with a Loop and Flow Variables. In this case, seven (7) Sub-Distributions are defined in a list and then generated one-by-one in a loop. Each Sub-Distribution is then concatenated together into a single Customer Distribution.

Uses the KNIME Extension: Market Simulation by Scientific Strategy - Community Edition

A comprehensive description of this workflow with step-by-step instructions can be found at the Scientific Strategy website:

KNIME Nodes (KN-122) - Data Generation with Flow VariablesDemonstrates how complicated and exotic Customer Distributions can begenerated with a Loop and Flow Variables. In this case, seven (7) Sub-Distributions are defined in a list and then generated one-by-one in a loop. EachSub-Distribution is then concatenated together into a single Customer Distribution.List ofSub-DistributionsGenerateSub-DistributionNextSub-DistributionNextSub-DistributionPlot ConcatenatedSub-DistributionsAddSub-NameConvert Row ToFlow Variables Table Creator CustomerDistributions Chunk Loop Start Loop End Line Chart(JFreeChart) ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable KNIME Nodes (KN-122) - Data Generation with Flow VariablesDemonstrates how complicated and exotic Customer Distributions can begenerated with a Loop and Flow Variables. In this case, seven (7) Sub-Distributions are defined in a list and then generated one-by-one in a loop. EachSub-Distribution is then concatenated together into a single Customer Distribution.List ofSub-DistributionsGenerateSub-DistributionNextSub-DistributionNextSub-DistributionPlot ConcatenatedSub-DistributionsAddSub-NameConvert Row ToFlow VariablesTable Creator CustomerDistributions Chunk Loop Start Loop End Line Chart(JFreeChart) ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable


