
XGBoost KNIME vs Python

Simple Test Parametrized Test Investigate influence of colsample_bynode HousingDataset from02_Housing_Value_Regression_with_XGBoostadultsirisregression (watch the interactive view!)classificationclassificationNode 178classificationregressionparametersgo throughall parameterscollect resultsgo throughall parameterscollect resultsadultscollect resultsgo throughall parametersclassificationjoin backparametersfor joining Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader Housing Dataset Adults Dataset Iris Dataset Concatenate ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Generic ClassificationDataset (KNIME vs Python) Generic Regression Dataset(KNIME vs Python) CSV Reader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Table Reader Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Generic ClassificationDataset (KNIME vs Python) Joiner Counter Generation F1 Score comparison accuracy/R^2comparison investigate influenceof colsample_bynode Simple Test Parametrized Test Investigate influence of colsample_bynode HousingDataset from02_Housing_Value_Regression_with_XGBoostadultsirisregression (watch the interactive view!)classificationclassificationNode 178classificationregressionparametersgo throughall parameterscollect resultsgo throughall parameterscollect resultsadultscollect resultsgo throughall parametersclassificationjoin backparametersfor joining Table Reader Table Reader Table Reader Housing Dataset Adults Dataset Iris Dataset Concatenate ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Generic ClassificationDataset (KNIME vs Python) Generic Regression Dataset(KNIME vs Python) CSV Reader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Table Reader Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Generic ClassificationDataset (KNIME vs Python) Joiner Counter Generation F1 Score comparison accuracy/R^2comparison investigate influenceof colsample_bynode


