

Total record lengthFields split pointsfields names end position of each field separated by commaname of each field separated by comma Manual change types Imports a ACL FIL filefile is one string longmust indicate:record lenghtsplit point os fieldsname of fieldsIT'S SLOW BUT WORKS1 line of 375624 chars break in5217 records Linelength ?converts tovariablecolumntypesSplit linein recordsone columnreads1 line longend positionsof fieldsRecordlengthFieldsnames VariableExpressions Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions Break Line Line Reader String Widget Integer Widget String Widget Total record lengthFields split pointsfields names end position of each field separated by commaname of each field separated by comma Manual change types Imports a ACL FIL filefile is one string longmust indicate:record lenghtsplit point os fieldsname of fieldsIT'S SLOW BUT WORKS1 line of 375624 chars break in5217 records Linelength ?converts tovariablecolumntypesSplit linein recordsone columnreads1 line longend positionsof fieldsRecordlengthFieldsnamesVariableExpressions Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions Break Line Line Reader String Widget Integer Widget String Widget


