

KNIME forum (48523) - "Column sequence number as a multiplier for column value"

KNIME forum (48523) - "Column sequence number as a multiplier for column value"


- a loop that would treat each relevant column on its own thru renaming )not very elegant but it does work)
- a collection of strings to filter the relevant columns 1,2,3 … in the Multi Column node

Fibinacci Score Activity Columns Create Sample Data Notes:The concept is create a score for activity. Each day with no activity results in a 0 value day. For each consecutive day ofinactivity, the penalty increases in a Fibinacci sequence.The cycle (lag) is variable depending on the requirement. The penalty for inatcivity is valid for the number of days in the"lag" cycle. Dynamic number of Lags Columns Create dynamic fitler for the Lag columns as List - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] KNIME forum (48523) - "Column sequence number as a multiplier for column value"https://forum.knime.com/t/column-sequence-number-as-a-multiplier-for-column-value/48523/6?u=mlauber71- a loop that would treat each relevant column on its own thru renaming )not very elegant but it does work)- a collection of strings to filter the relevant columns 1,2,3 … in the Multi Column node Node 1Node 2Node 4Node 6Node 7Node 8Fibinaci ConstantF7F5Node 16Node 20F2F3F4F5MAve 90Node 29MAve30Node 81Node 82Node 83Node 85Node 86Node 87Lag ValueNode 99F1Node 101no_loopsv_current_iter_p1_temp_var_temp_varv_current_set_value_temp_varNode 109_temp_varRejoin thecolumnsNode 112Node 113Node 116Node 117Node 119Node 120Node 121Create Date&TimeRange Sorter Random BooleanAssigner Rule Engine Lag Column Math Formula(Multi Column) DoubleConfiguration Rule Engine Rule Engine Insert ColumnHeader Update ColumnHeader Rule Engine Rule Engine Rule Engine Rule Engine Moving Average Date&Time to String Moving Average Column Rename GroupBy Date&Time Shift Table Rowto Variable Rule-basedRow Filter Line Chart(JFreeChart) IntegerConfiguration Column Aggregator Rule Engine Counting Loop Start Math Formula(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Rule Engine Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Joiner Table Validator(Reference) ExtractColumn Header Transpose GroupBy Math Formula(Multi Column) Table Rowto Variable Table Validator(Reference) Fibinacci Score Activity Columns Create Sample Data Notes:The concept is create a score for activity. Each day with no activity results in a 0 value day. For each consecutive day ofinactivity, the penalty increases in a Fibinacci sequence.The cycle (lag) is variable depending on the requirement. The penalty for inatcivity is valid for the number of days in the"lag" cycle. Dynamic number of Lags Columns Create dynamic fitler for the Lag columns as List - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] KNIME forum (48523) - "Column sequence number as a multiplier for column value"https://forum.knime.com/t/column-sequence-number-as-a-multiplier-for-column-value/48523/6?u=mlauber71- a loop that would treat each relevant column on its own thru renaming )not very elegant but it does work)- a collection of strings to filter the relevant columns 1,2,3 … in the Multi Column node Node 1Node 2Node 4Node 6Node 7Node 8Fibinaci ConstantF7F5Node 16Node 20F2F3F4F5MAve 90Node 29MAve30Node 81Node 82Node 83Node 85Node 86Node 87Lag ValueNode 99F1Node 101no_loopsv_current_iter_p1_temp_var_temp_varv_current_set_value_temp_varNode 109_temp_varRejoin thecolumnsNode 112Node 113Node 116Node 117Node 119Node 120Node 121Create Date&TimeRange Sorter Random BooleanAssigner Rule Engine Lag Column Math Formula(Multi Column) DoubleConfiguration Rule Engine Rule Engine Insert ColumnHeader Update ColumnHeader Rule Engine Rule Engine Rule Engine Rule Engine Moving Average Date&Time to String Moving Average Column Rename GroupBy Date&Time Shift Table Rowto Variable Rule-basedRow Filter Line Chart(JFreeChart) IntegerConfiguration Column Aggregator Rule Engine Counting Loop Start Math Formula(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Rule Engine Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Joiner Table Validator(Reference) ExtractColumn Header Transpose GroupBy Math Formula(Multi Column) Table Rowto Variable Table Validator(Reference)


