Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

H2O MOJO Predictor (Word Embedding) Streamable

Applies a word embedding MOJO to input data.

H2O MOJO Reader 

Reads and imports MOJOs.

H2O MOJO Reader Deprecated

Reads and imports MOJOs.

H2O Column Filter 

Filters columns from the input H2O Frame.

H2O Model to MOJO 

Converts H2O models to MOJOs.

H2O Partitioning 

Partitions data into two disjoint sets.

H2O Statistics 

Compute and output statistics of numerical and categorical columns of a H2O frame.

H2O AutoML Learner 

Learns the specified types of classification models using H2O AutoML and returns the leading model amongst these.

H2O AutoML Learner (Regression) 

Learns the specified types of regression models using H2O AutoML and returns the leading model amongst these.

H2O Generalized Linear Model Learner 

Learns a Generalized Linear Model classification model using H2O.