Keyword Density

This node leverage Jsoup to parse HTML content and Lucene to tokenize terms and generate a list of term frequency. You can also use the Exclude field to filter out certain keywords that should not be part of the report.


URL Column Name
A selection of String columns from the input table, the chosen column will be used in URL(s) submission.
Content Column Name
A String column that contains HTML content of the specified URL. If there is a value in this column, the node will parse the value instead of pulling content from URL. This setting is optional.
Exclude Terms Column Name
A String column that contains comma separated list of terms to be excluded from URL content. This setting is URL specific.
Exclude Terms
A comma separated list of terms to be excluded from all results. This setting applies to all URLs.
Include Meta Keywords
Indicates whether to include meta tag keywords, default is yes.
Include Meta Description
Indicates whether to include meta tag description, default is yes.
Include Page Title
Indicates whether to include page title, default is yes.

Input Ports

An input table that contains a URL column

Output Ports

An output table with keyword density results in percentages and actual frequencies


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