Read from Shapefile

Reads spatial features (geometries) from a shapefile.

Accepts any geometry type: points, lines, polygons, multilines, multipolygons, etc. Decodes the geometry as a String column in WKT (Well-known Text Representation). Decodes every attribute of the spatial features as a column of a corresponding KNIME type.

In the resulting table, a line is created for each spatial feature. A string column "the_geom" contains the geometry in WKT (Well-known Text Representation). Each other attribute in the shapefile is mapped to a KNIME type: if a column in an integer in the shapefile, it will be translated as an integer (same for double, Boolean, long, string).

A property "crs WKT" is sent along with the result which contains the description of the Coordinate Reference System read in the shapefile (if any).

The actual decoding of the shapefile format is done using the geotools library.


Selected file
The shapefile to open (often finishing with .shp)
The encoding used to encode accents and other special characters in the file. Is UTF8 by default. Change it if you have problems with accents and special characters.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

The population with their attributes and WKT representation.


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