Labeling to String based Labeling Streamable

Converts a labeling to a String based labeling. String based labeling means, that all labels in this labeling are considered as Strings. This may be […]

File Upload (legacy) 

Quick Form node that allows uploading a file and exposing that uploaded file using a flow variable.

File Download (legacy) Deprecated

Provides a KNIME quick form with a downloadable file.

Save File Locally Streamable

Node to save a String column to a local file with path specified in a second column

Variable Based File Reader Deprecated

ASCII file reader from variable locations


Split protein/peptide identification file into several files according to identification run and annotated file origin.

Input File Deprecated

(Deprecated: Use File Importer instead) Locate a file which can serve as input to another GKN

Create Assistant File 

Create an assistant file by attaching a [File](/docs/api-reference/files) to an [assistant](/docs/api-reference/assistants).

Network Writer 

Writes the given network to a file.

Load text-based files Streamable

Node to Load text-based files to a column in the table