


This category contains 10 nodes.

Directory Prefix Loader 

Create a prefix port based on directory and filename prefix.

File Exporter 

Writes files from a URI file port to a specific location.

File Importer 

Locate and potentially import one or multiple files from a file system which can serve as input to another Generic KNIME Node.

Index Loader 

Load a genome index into a prefix port object

Input Directory Deprecated

(Deprecated: Use File Importer instead) Locate a directory where all files of a specified file type are imported.

Input File Deprecated

(Deprecated: Use File Importer instead) Locate a file which can serve as input to another GKN

Input Files 

Locate multiple files which can serve as input to another GKN

Output File 

Saves the incoming file to a specified folder.

Output Files 

Stores the incoming files in a selected folder with user specified file name.

Output Folder 

Copies all the incoming files to the given output folder.