Multiple Ring Buffer Deprecated

This node generate multiple polygons with a series distances of each geometric object.

Create Image Variation 

Creates a variation of a given image.

XLS Coloured Writer 

Writes an XLS file, you can customise the background colour of the cells in the XLS file using the colour tab in the node configuration.

Image Writer (Port) Deprecated

Writes a image port object to a file.

Read Images 

Read images from a list of URLs and append them as a new column.

Kill Configure 

This node allows the option to return null during the node configuration.

Euclidean Distance Deprecated

This node will calculate the Euclidean distance between two geometries.

Generic XML Reader 

Reads a list of xml-files into Knime. The node allows to specify an xpath query which MUST result in a node set.

Conformal Regression Streamable

This nodes combines the functions of Conformal Calibrator (Regression) and Conformal Predictor and Classifier (Regression) nodes.

XLS Formatter (apply) 

The XLS Formatter (apply) node applies the chained commands from XLS Formatter nodes to an unformatted xlsx file.