

This category contains 9 nodes.

Echo 550 Report Reader 

Reader to import records and metadata from Labcyte Echo 550 reports.

Envision Reader 

Reads result files exported by the EnVision Reader

Example Data 

A repository of data examples

Generic XML Reader 

Reads a list of xml-files into Knime. The node allows to specify an xpath query which MUST result in a node set.

GeniosPro Reader 

Reads result files exported by the GeniosPro

MotionTracking Reader 

Reads a list of MotionTracking Reader '.csv'-export-files into Knime.

MSD SectorImager Reader 

Reads result files from the Sector Imager.

Opera Reader 

Reads result files from the Opera

Operetta Reader 

Reads result files exported by the Operetta